sibling_picture_index: Sibling picture index sibling_picture_fullindex: Sibling picture fullindex colNo: 0 rowNo: 0 description: [] formatName: JPEG fileTime: Dec 07, 2002 - 20:08 PM fullBaseName: 4big fullExt: .jpg fullFileName: 4big.jpg fullFileSize: 13.4KB fullHeight: 176 fullHref: ../../../Testalbum/NoPhotos 2Albums/sub Album/4big.jpg fullWidth: 258 htmlHref: exh_html/fl_4big.html lowresBaseName: 4big lowresExt: .jpg lowresFileName: 4big.jpg lowresFileSize: 13.4KB lowresHeight: 176 lowresHref: ../../../Testalbum/NoPhotos 2Albums/sub Album/4big.jpg lowresWidth: 258 movieBaseName: movieExt: movieFileName: movieFileSize: movieHref: number: 0 outBaseName: 4big panoramaWidth: 1 parentHref: index.html rowNo: 0 soundBaseName: soundExt: soundFileName: soundFileSize: soundHref: thumbBaseName: TN_4big thumbExt: .jpg thumbFileName: TN_4big.jpg thumbFileSize: 3.8KB thumbHeight: 100 thumbHref: pics_tn/TN_4big.jpg thumbWidth: 130 title: Text from descript.ion pic.exif.ExifVersion: pic.exif.FNumber: pic.exif.FocalLength: pic.exif.FocalLengthConv: pic.exif.Make: pic.exif.Model: pic.exif.Orientation: |
sibling_picture_index: Sibling picture index sibling_picture_fullindex: Sibling picture fullindex colNo: 1 rowNo: 0 description: ['This is content from beach.txt. The text can be very long with lots of lines, but is should not contain HTML code! '] formatName: JPEG fileTime: Dec 07, 2002 - 20:08 PM fullBaseName: beach fullExt: .jpg fullFileName: beach.jpg fullFileSize: 5.5KB fullHeight: 233 fullHref: ../../../Testalbum/NoPhotos 2Albums/sub Album/beach.jpg fullWidth: 350 htmlHref: exh_html/fl_beach.html lowresBaseName: beach lowresExt: .jpg lowresFileName: beach.jpg lowresFileSize: 5.5KB lowresHeight: 233 lowresHref: ../../../Testalbum/NoPhotos 2Albums/sub Album/beach.jpg lowresWidth: 350 movieBaseName: movieExt: movieFileName: movieFileSize: movieHref: number: 1 outBaseName: beach panoramaWidth: 1 parentHref: index.html rowNo: 0 soundBaseName: soundExt: soundFileName: soundFileSize: soundHref: thumbBaseName: TN_beach thumbExt: .jpg thumbFileName: TN_beach.jpg thumbFileSize: 3.1KB thumbHeight: 100 thumbHref: pics_tn/TN_beach.jpg thumbWidth: 130 title: beach pic.exif.ExifVersion: pic.exif.FNumber: pic.exif.FocalLength: pic.exif.FocalLengthConv: pic.exif.Make: pic.exif.Model: pic.exif.Orientation: |
sibling_picture_index: Sibling picture index sibling_picture_fullindex: Sibling picture fullindex colNo: 0 rowNo: 1 description: ['Description from'] formatName: JPEG fileTime: Dec 07, 2002 - 20:08 PM fullBaseName: blue-coarse fullExt: .jpg fullFileName: blue-coarse.jpg fullFileSize: 12.1KB fullHeight: 94 fullHref: ../../../Testalbum/NoPhotos 2Albums/sub Album/blue-coarse.jpg fullWidth: 94 htmlHref: exh_html/fl_blue-coarse.html lowresBaseName: blue-coarse lowresExt: .jpg lowresFileName: blue-coarse.jpg lowresFileSize: 12.1KB lowresHeight: 94 lowresHref: ../../../Testalbum/NoPhotos 2Albums/sub Album/blue-coarse.jpg lowresWidth: 94 movieBaseName: movieExt: movieFileName: movieFileSize: movieHref: number: 2 outBaseName: blue-coarse panoramaWidth: 1 parentHref: index.html rowNo: 1 soundBaseName: soundExt: soundFileName: soundFileSize: soundHref: thumbBaseName: TN_blue-coarse thumbExt: .jpg thumbFileName: TN_blue-coarse.jpg thumbFileSize: 4.5KB thumbHeight: 100 thumbHref: pics_tn/TN_blue-coarse.jpg thumbWidth: 130 title: Title in pic.exif.ExifVersion: pic.exif.FNumber: pic.exif.FocalLength: pic.exif.FocalLengthConv: pic.exif.Make: pic.exif.Model: pic.exif.Orientation: |